groom lifting bride


Maybe you’re thinking about taking wedding dance lessons and you’re just not sure if they’re for you. Well consider this – your first dance is one of the four or five all-eyes-on-you moments of your wedding day. It’s also the first thing you do together after you say, “I do,” and walk into the world as a married couple. A good first dance shows everyone that you’ve worked together to create something that honors your individual personalities and your union as a couple.

bride and groom entertaining friends with their first dance

When you prepare with lessons, nobody will be looking at their phone!

[Photo by NLA Weddings]

A Beautiful First Dance is a Gift for Your Loved Ones

Your friends and family love you and they’ll be happy even if you just hang and sway. But wouldn’t it be nice for them to see something more creative and exciting. Make grandma blush with a slow sultry number, show your sophistication with an elegant foxtrot, bring the fun with some crazy swing steps, or charm everyone with an airy lift. There is no wrong choice as long as you’re true to yourselves. Your guests will love it and remember it forever.

man on railroad track doing awkward dance move

Is this your best move?

Wedding Dance Lessons Give You Confidence!

This may be the most important reason to take lessons for your first dance. For most people the thought of dancing in front of a crowd is nerve wracking, so they try not to think about it. But it’s going to happen one way or the other, so why not prepare for it? Taking wedding dance lessons with a qualified instructor means there won’t be any awkward moments, because you’ll know what to do every step of the way.

couple taking wedding dance lessons

Just needs a few small tweaks to look great!

You Need Feedback & Accountability

You may be tempted to try to learn to dance by watching videos. There are a lot of reasons why that’s not ideal, and here are two of the most important ones. First, Professor YouTube isn’t going to give you any feedback. You won’t really know if you’re doing the moves correctly or how to fix something that’s not going right. You could even hurt yourself. Secondly, if you schedule lessons with someone, then you’ll show up. If you go it alone, you’ll probably procrastinate until it’s too late. And since your instructor will know if you don’t practice, you’ll work harder and be rewarded with a smoothly polished first dance.

couple taking wedding dance lessons

Looks like they’re enjoying their lessons to prepare for their first dance!

You’ll Have Fun

You may not believe this yet, but chances are once you start lessons, you’ll actually enjoy them. Really what could be better amidst the hustle-bustle of wedding planning than setting aside time each week to spend in each other’s arms?

More Articles That Might Interest You

4 People to Loop In On Your First Dance Plans

Avoid the Oops


And if you want to see real couples preparing for and performing their first dances, then our Wedding Stories blog is just the inspiration you need.

Three easy ways to find out how we can help you with your first dance.

Visit our Lessons page. 

Contact us at (901) 359 – 6467 or

Try a free lesson to see if you like it. We know your will 😉


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